Product News
How to maintain a polished concrete floor
Feb 08, 2017
The rise in popularity of polished concrete floors is due to the…
DATA SHEET: Curing of concrete
Aug 17, 2015
Introduction Curing is the process of controlling the rate and extent…
Slip resistance of polished concrete floors -…
Jul 20, 2015
Achieving the desired slip resistance When specifying the slip…
DATA Sheet: Slip resistance of polished concrete…
Jun 22, 2015
Specifying Slip Resistance General - Slip resistance is typically…
DATA SHEET: Slip resistance of polished concrete…
May 25, 2015
Introduction Slip resistance of floors and pavements is a measure of…
Improving the Environmental Performance of…
Dec 11, 2012
The Case for Increased Mineral Addition to Cement Cement is…
Delamination of Concrete Industrial Floors
Oct 16, 2012
What is Delamination? Delamination is the detachment of a thin (up to…
Concretes Thermal Mass Benefits for Housing
Sep 18, 2012
Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb and store heat.…
Polished Concrete: Unrivalled in Sustainability…
Jun 04, 2012
Environmentally friendly design and construction is an…